All our statues use copper metal and are finished either in gold-plating, silver-plating or copper oxidation.
The gold plating statues are either Full gold plating (FGP) or Part-gold plating (PGP). FGP covers the entire statue with gold. PGP covers only certain areas of the statue with gold.
Silver-plating also consists of Full and part silver (FSP and PSP). FSP covers the entire statue while PSP covers certain areas of the statue.
The copper-oxidation does not include any other metal plated to it. The statue is finished in a dark chocolate color.
Two-toned finish
The two toned finish includes a mixture of dark chocolate finish and a lighter brownish finish. This Finish usually has a dark finish on the clothes of the statue, whereas the visible skin area is given a lighter brownish finish. This finish usually comes in just copper oxidized (CCT), Partly-gold plated (PTA) and Partly-silver plated (PST).